The Lughnasa Spiral: Wheel of the Year Guidebook & Audio Journey {digital download}


welcome to Lughnasa ~ the Cross-Quarter Holy Day on the Wheel of the Year that signifies the entry point into the season of Autumn. the Wheel of the Year is an ancestral, traditional way of understanding and honoring the passage of time. through this lens, the Wheel of the Year orients & guides us to mark the four seasons through eight Holy Days: four Quarter Days and four Cross-Quarter Days.

this year {2024} marks a powerful astrological and astronomical portal between Lunar Lughnasa and Solar Lughnasa, coinciding with the famed “Lion’s Gate” at the same time.

tap into sacred rituals and guided visualizations to support you in the Wheel of the Year Journey with The Lughnasa Spiral



welcome to Lughnasa ~ the Cross-Quarter Holy Day on the Wheel of the Year that signifies the entry point into the season of Autumn. the Wheel of the Year is an ancestral, traditional way of understanding and honoring the passage of time. through this lens, the Wheel of the Year orients & guides us to mark the four seasons through eight Holy Days: four Quarter Days and four Cross-Quarter Days.

this year {2024} marks a powerful astrological and astronomical portal between Lunar Lughnasa and Solar Lughnasa, coinciding with the famed “Lion’s Gate” at the same time.

on Sunday, August 4th, the Dark Moon in Leo opens the doorway. Solar Lughnasa occurs on Wednesday the 7th when the Sun reaches 15* of Leo, and is followed by the mighty manifestation day of the Lion’s Gate on August 8th {8.8}.

tap into the ritual and manifestation energetics of this special Lughnasa time with THE LUGHNASA SPIRAL. a 25+ page guidebook that includes:

~ a deep dive into the Celtic traditions around the Wheel of the Year

~ an opportunity to map the Wheel of the Year to the wisdom of the female body’s monthly cycles

~ seasonal ritual guidance

~ a 25-minute guided visualization to work with the energy of this Holy Day

~ journal prompts for supportive reflection as you continue your journey on the Wheel of the Year

explore the powerful energetics of this time to support you in the Wheel of the Year Journey through these digital resources inside The Lughnasa Spiral

{You will be able to download the PDF and MP3 immediately after purchase, AND you will receive a follow-up email with links as well! Please be sure to check your spam filters if you do not see it — please reach out to hello (at) gardenofthemoon (dot) co if you do not receive the email within 2 hours.}


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