My Top 5 Rituals for the Summer Solstice

Celebrating the Wheel of the Year can take so many forms, but if you’re looking for some inspiration when it comes to weaving some magic with this Quarter Day, I’d love to share my top 5 rituals for the Summer Solstice with you.

Holy bananas, I cannot explain how much I love the Summer Solstice & this time of year 😭

To me this moment in the Wheel of the Year speaks to C E L E B R A T I O N !

If you’ve been around here for a bit, you’ve probably heard my soap-box rant about how strange I find it that the the Solstices and Equinoxes are called the “start” of each season… Here’s why:

In my cyclical practice, the Quarter Days are not the beginning of a season, they are the PEAK of a season. Instead, I see each season begins with the cross-quarter day that precedes it and comes to its height at the time of the Solstice or Equinox.

So in the case of sweet summertime in the northern hemisphere… Summer began with the shift at Beltane and here at the Summer Solstice, we experience the pinnacle of this time of abundance, light, and vibrancy.

In honor of the abundance and bright light and long days…

Here are my top 5 rituals for the Summer Solstice:

1. Get thee to the Water!

Maybe it’s because the Summer Solstice marks the start of Cancer season (and that means my birthday isn’t far behind!), but the Summer Solstice is the perfect day to connect with the Element of Water. You might feel the power of water as a way to cleanse the first half of the year and walk forward to the next phase feeling reborn.

Immersing in a natural water environment is so healing. It’s truly a rebirth as you let your body slip into the watery womb of Mother Nature.

2. Walk with the Green World

In the northern hemisphere this is when the plant world is WIDE AWAKE! Every tree, flower, moss knoll is reveling in the lushness that comes from summer rains and sunshine.

So take some time around the Solstice to get out where its greenest. Walk barefoot on the grass as much as possible, appreciating every blade and shade of green.

Grounding (the practice of getting your feet directly on the Earth) can be especially helpful this time of year when it feels like life is just GO GO GO. Keep your nervous system satisfied amidst the many opportunities for adventures.

3. Gather with your Fr-amily

Friends, family, chosen family, whomever it is, honor the Solstice with your community. The people who get you through the darker days of the year. The ones who know how to play, party, and pull out all the stops when it comes to living BIG. The Summer Solstice is for connection and community.

Side note here… I remember one summer solstice a few years ago when I was feeling incredibly lonely and didn’t have the aforementioned community to celebrate with. If this is you, I get it. This time of year can actually feel really hard if you’re feeling short on folks to gather and enjoy the summer sweetness with.

f you’re up for it though, the Solstice is the perfect time to find that community. There are usually a metric CRAP TON of events going on to choose from. So check out a local community board, or search Facebook events to see what’s happening. I can pretty much guarantee you’ll find something that catches your eye, and if you harness the boldness this Quarter Day gifts us… I think you’ll be surprised at the kinda magic you can make 😉

4. Light a fire (safely!) and honor the Sun

As a fire festival, the Summer Solstice is all about honoring the abundance of light from the Sun. These are the nights of bonfires and gathering around a campfire with song and laughter. In fact… #4 and #3 are kiiiinda perfect together, don’t you think?

Nowhere to safely light a campfire with friends? Candles can make for a pretty magical Solstice glow too!

5. Journaling and Reflection

The Solstice marks the halfway point of the year since the dark, inwards moment of the Winter Solstice in December. Maybe you snagged a copy of my SOULSTICE SWEETNESS Journal & Guidebook around that time. If so, now would be a perfect time to go back through all those journaling prompts to see what intentions you had set for the year.

Or, if you keep a journal, now is a perfect time to re-read the journal entries from the end of 2022 and early 2023.

Where are you feeling on track with the vision you had for 2023? What do you want to adjust when it comes to your expectations for the second half of the year?

Take some time to reflect, and then write in your journal (or add some pages to your SOULSTICE SWEETNESS Journal & Guidebook) with your gratitudes about what the past six months have brought and all you hope will unfold in the six months ahead.

Meet The Cycle Support Kits

Ready to work more closely with your own inner seasons and phases? Check out the Cycle Support Kit 🌀

The Cycle Support Kit is a set of four herbal teas and a flower essence blend designed to nourish the female fertility cycle. Each tea is crafted to support one of the four phases within the monthly cycle.

Now it’s your turn… what are your favorite rituals for the Summer Solstice?

Drop a comment and share your favorite rituals for the Summer Solstice or activities to mark this vibrant and sun-filled magical time of the year!

Big Love, all ways always


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