Why Am I So Moody/Bitchy/a Total Trainwreck Before My Period?

Yup, I get it. You don’t want that diiiiip down in your energy and feeling moody before your period — that time when everyone and everything seems to get under your skin.

You’d much rather have EVERY day of your monthly cycle feel like the height of summer —

BIG energy 💥

SASSY vibes 💁‍♀️

TOTALLY on top of your massive to-do list ✅

This is where I’m supposed to tell you HOW to feel foot-loose-and-fancy-free all month long… Like all my marketing coaches keep telling me — “you have to show them how you help them to SOLVE their problem!” … 🙄

Here’s the thing ~

You NOT feeling foot-loose-and-fancy-free all month long…

You NOT wanting to be in the middle of every social event all month long…

You NOT having peak energy for your to-do list all month long…

what if being moody before your period was actually NOT a problem?

moody before your period because you can't spend all day talking with plants

What if, instead, the problem was being taught the belief that it was a problem ~ when it’s something deeply essential, aligned, and… dare I say it… one of your superpowers?

So here’s what I’d offer you if you’re sick of feeling so moody before your period every month:


What if the “moodiness” wasn’t an inconvenience and was instead… an asset?

The phase before your bleed is your Inner Autumn time {the luteal phase}.

This is where we {like the Earth’s autumn time} take stock of our resources, of what’s been cultivated during the growing phases {your Inner Spring & Summer – follicular and ovulatory phases}.

If something is out of alignment from the journey so far, our body/soul/God/Spirit/however you identify the Source that moves you toward new & higher versions of yourself — that force is going to try to get your attention during this phase to help you realign.


It’s this force that moves us along the path that continues to pop up during the Inner Autumn — and sometimes, it has to get LOUD for us to pay attention.

So start taking notes. Or look back at your journal if you keep one.

What are the recurring themes around what’s getting under your skin? What sets you off every 👏 damn 👏 month 👏 even when you swear you’re “over it?”


It’s hardly ever the actual thing that pissed us off that’s at the root of what is truly out of alignment.

It’s less like the fact that your partner doesn’t take out the trash

And more like the way you’re desiring to feel more united & supported as a team

It’s less like the fact that your co-worker is a giant asshat

And more like the way you wish your daily hours were spent doing something that lit you up instead of dragged you down {and ok maybe your co-worker is a giant ass hat too}

when you acknowledge the advantage of having an innately wise cyclical experience, you can allow yourself to work WITH the rhythms and wisdom of your cycle — instead of begrudging it

It’s an opportunity to recognize how each phase, and the vast difference from the height of Inner Summer to the low of Inner Winter, is truly in service to your growth and expansion.

It’s a spiralic path you’ve chosen, living in your female body

And we can choose to embrace and nourish fully. Or fight it at every step and resent it

Here with you, in service to the spiral

Big Love, all ways always

Em Signature

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