the 2023 full moon in Sagittarius is insatiable

the astrology of the 2023 full moon in Sagittarius

The 2023 Full Moon in Sagittarius is a Macy’s Day Parade-sized, ginormous-balloon level of ever-expanding possibility.

It is your untamed edges, the wild horses of your curiosity roaming endlessly.

It is insatiability.

It’s newfound capacity. And perhaps the potential for overindulgence.

In short, it’s B-I-G. And largely (pun intended) thanks to the Great Benefic, Jupiter.

Jupiter conjunct the North Node and insatiability

As a Full Moon in Sagittarius, this lunation is ruled by Jupiter (the ruler of Sag). The past week has seen some Miracle Grow-like moves from the big gas giant. Specifically, Jupiter conjunct the North Node.

The North Node can be a marker of where we are driven towards in this current lifetime. Some say it’s where our souls want us to go, others see it as where we hunger most. I say these are one in the same — where we feel called is where our hunger lies, waiting to fuel us forward on the path of desire.

Jupiter in Taurus wants slow and steady expansion that feels luxurious. With the Full Moon in Sagittarius, there’s encouragement to shine the light on what we want to feed, grow, nurture, relish, and revel in. What are you curious about that has not been gifted the space to allow for unfurling?

Mercury conjunct Uranus to shake sh*t up

We also have Mercury conjunct Uranus around this time, helping to shake up stale communications, infuse fresh ideas, and surprise us with unexpected dialogues that might play oh-so-nicely with Jupiter & the North Node pushing us to new edges of our boundaries.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign — spreading far and fast with reckless abandon. This is a sign that has no love for confinement, stale routines, or excuses that keep us small. Wherever in your chart this Full Moon shines its light, it’s a message of exploration and innovative adaption.

Go Big… or go (a)broad. Just don’t go home.

Expand your mind, your curiosities, and your self-imposed comfort zones, and see what super-sized possibilities are waiting for you.

the astrology for each Rising Sign

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Journaling prompts or questions for the full moon in Sagittarius:

🐂 Find Taurus in your birthchart (the glyph looks like ♉️) — What desires feel insatiable for you right now in this area of your life? How can you use it as fuel for the highest good, while keeping overindulgence in check?

🏹 Find Sagittarius in your birthchart (the glyph looks like ♐️) — there is a light being shone on this area. of your life that can help propel you toward this insatiability. How can you connect the dots between these two areas of life to help quench your desires?

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