the Full Moon in Virgo

Welcome to the Full Moon in Virgo 🌝

Dropping in at 7:40 AM ET on Tuesday March 7th, the Full Moon in Virgo has some big astro-shift sensations happening alongside it.

March 2023 has been catching astrologers’ eyes for a minute here as a moment in time that stands out with billboard-like flamboyance to grab our attention. Besides the Full Moon in Virgo, we’ll also get to witness Saturn shifting into a brand new sign this week — something that only happens every 2.5 – 3ish years. This is a big moment initiating us into an entirely new curriculum led by Saturn’s newly adapted Piscean vibes.

Let’s start with the Full Moon in Virgo though.

Full Moon in Virgo
Image courtesy of

Each time we witness a Full Moon, it occurs in the sign opposing whichever current astrological season it is. So as we are riding the tides of Pisces season at this time — opposite Pisces sits the Virginal stoic wisdom of Virgo.

Virgo’s archetype is “the Virgin” (Virgo is the Latin word for Virgin) — but here’s my take… This feels like (yet another) example where the patriarchy has really sold us short. “Virgin” used to have a very different meaning, one that had absolutely nothing to do with sexual intercourse.

Virgo originally translated to maiden, or “one unto herself” — basically it meant a female who was not beholden to another, and it was often used to describe powerful Greek goddesses like Artemis and Hestia.

This is something I think gets neglected about The Virgin (astrologically-speaking).

Often we hear about Virgo’s renowned attention to detail and shadowy, anal-retentiveness… What took me a long time to realize about this sign, is that it’s visionary — as one “unto themselves,” Virgo, at its highest, is able to hold the vision without it being impeded by all the muck of others’ expectations. I see this visionary tendency as being fed from the wellspring of connectivity in Virgo’s opposing sign: Pisces. It’s this zodiacal see-saw that nourishes each sign with the wisdom of its oppositional force across the zodiac wheel.

With the vision comes a sense of responsibility and attention to the details that make the highest outcome tangible. The dichotomy of Virgo and Pisces lives here, in the details; it’s knowing our inherent unity with everything, alongside the responsibility of tending to your own proverbial garden — both are acts of service, whether metaphysically or of the earthly plane. It all matters. It all counts.

Pisces connects us to all that is, was and ever will be. It’s the everywhen and everywhere. While Virgo wheels and deals in understanding the minutiae and utilizing its Earth energy to make manifest in the tangible realms.

So here we have this exploration in service to our vision, and to the greater collective whole, within the portal of the Full Moon.

Tack on Saturn’s moves into Pisces moments after the Full Moon peaks, and we have a brand new contractual agreement to be signed. Saturn is the boundary maker, while Pisces wallows in the endless waters of creation completely boundless. This is a drastic shift from the last two signs Saturn traversed since 2017. Saturn in Capricorn and then Aquarius over the past not-quite 6 years has been peak Saturn vibes because the planet has been in signs it rules. While in ruling signs it can feel strong, it exerts itself to the utmost, with a curriculum focused on rules, and structure, and moving slowly to integrate important lessons.

Now shifting into Pisces we will be navigating a whole new relationship to the rules of life.

With any Saturnian shift in signs, it’s important to call out the infamous “Saturn Return” portal. This is where transiting Saturn makes its way back to the point in the sky it was at during your time of birth.

So if you have Saturn in Pisces natally, welcome! Your Saturn Return is about to begin! 🤸‍♀️

Is your natal Saturn in Aquarius? Congrats! You just finished your Saturn Return! 🥳

I don’t usually get predictive around astrology, but I thought I’d share some “energetic curiosities” I’m feeling about the next couple years of Saturn in Pisces…

The past years of Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius saw remarkable levels of personal decisions being made by groupthink or authority-figure influence. Saturn in Pisces has the potential to radically change that and create structures that ACTUALLY serve the collective, versus the domino effect of capitulating to “the powers that be.” Of course this can manifest in oodles of ways, but I’m super curious to see how our relationships with authority collectively change throughout this transit.

Only time will tell!

🌝 now it’s your turn: pull up your natal chart and dig into how this astrology is impacting your personal chart!

(see below for resources to pull your birth chart, and a brief overview of the area of life that each House rules.)

  • 🔎 Find Virgo in your birthchart (the glyph looks like ♍️) — which House does it occupy? What vision do you have for this area of your life, and what are the details that might go into making it possible? Just one small step or action.
  • 🐟 Find Pisces in your birthchart (the glyph looks like ♓️) — what kind of structure, boundaries, or slow-moving-lessons can you sense might be in store for you as Saturn transits this house? What needs structure, boundaries, or slow-moving-lessons? Direct your focus & intention here as Saturn shifts signs.
  • 🏺 Find Aquarius in your birthchart (the glyph looks like ♒️) — how has your experience of structure, boundaries, or rules changed and grown in this area of your life over the past three years with Saturn transiting through this House?

Astrology resources:

Here are two apps that work with Whole Sign birth charts that I would recommend: CHANI APP (for Apple users) and THE PATTERN APP (for both Android & Apple).

Quickie descriptions of what each House represents:

1st: Self-identity || 2nd: Resources || 3rd: Communication

4th: Home || 5th: Creativity || 6th: Daily life 

7th: Relationships || 8th: Merging || 9th: Wisdom 

10th: Social Status || 11th: Community || 12th: Subconscious

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