the dark moon in Taurus

the astrology of the dark moon in Taurus

This Dark Moon in Taurus arrives just days after the big benefic of the skies — Jupiter — saunters into the Bull’s dominion, while Mars will make its move into Leo the day after the new moon.

Any time a planet shifts signs, it’s a new beginning and an opportunity to seed intentions for the next cycle — much like the energy of a Dark Moon. With two planets entering new arenas and the New Moon, this is a fertile moment for our dreams and new desires to be planted in the ground.

Jupiter in Taurus & Mars in Leo

For the past year or so, Jupiter has been in Aries. Speeding things up and keeping courage on tap. As the gas giant and great benefic moves into Taurus, the pace slows down, and the possibilities for luscious luxury become magically more accessible. Jupiter loves the land of the Bull. As a planet all about growth, expansion (and sometimes excess), the fertile ground of this fixed Earth sign is a sweet sigh of relief for Jupiter. It will traverse this section of your chart for the next year, bringing a bounty and beautifying this area of your life.

Mars shifting into the fixed Fire sign of Leo also brings bright new energy. The past two months, while Mars was in Cancer, might have felt a little wishy-washy, as this hot-blooded planet is hardly at home in the Crab’s waters. As the planet of action lands in a Fire sign once again, the ability to make moves and decisive steps becomes so much more apparent. Whatever has felt bogged down by emotional misunderstandings might finally become clear and coherent with this new ingress.

So we have two planets in two new signs breathing new life into our lived experiences. As I mentioned earlier, this Dark Moon in Taurus truly seems blessed with an open invitation to start anew. This lunation also signifies the full completion of the most recent Eclipse portal. So if you’re feeling called to ritual or a ceremony to lay to rest what the Eclipses unearthed and set your seeds for what you hope to see grow in the days ahead, this is a perfect time for precisely that.

Mars, Jupiter, Pluto form a T-Square

I would definitely be remiss if I didn’t mention one last “little” starry situation-ship occurring right around the time of the Dark Moon in Taurus. A rare “t-square” will happen between Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto when Mars enters Leo. All three planets will be at 0* of the signs they are in. Mars (in Leo) opposes Pluto (retrograde in Aquarius), with Jupiter (in Taurus) squaring them both — these aspects form a “T” in the sky. Oppositions and squares are often said to be “hard” aspects as they push and aggravate, often causing friction instead of flow. Mars and Pluto paired together speaks to power plays driven with single-track focus. This could feel alarming if it were just Mars & Pluto making messes, but with Jupiter sweetening the pot, I’m getting more of a sense of enhanced motivation and innovation. What may have previously stood in the way is now no match for the renewed vigor and determination this aspect could bring you. 

the astrology for each Rising Sign

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Journaling prompts or questions for the dark moon in Taurus:

🐂 Find Taurus in your birthchart (the glyph looks like ♉️) — What desires, dreams and intentions are you planting in this area of your life? Jupiter is like our fairy godmother of the solar system, ready to fertilize and expand on whatever it touches. In what ways could this area of your life grow and blossom over the next year with its help?

🦁 Find Leo in your birthchart (the glyph looks like ♌️) — What kind of action would you like to take in this area of your life over the next two months while Mars adds some “oomph” to your engines?

Psssst! Don’t forget about the big SPRING CLEANING SALE happening now!

Things are changing here at Garden of the Moon, and part of that is saying goodbye to 2/3rds of the products we offer. I know, crazy, right?! (If you’re nosey like me and wanna read more about WHY 10+ products are going in the archives — check out this blog post here for the behind the scenes scoop.)

But this means you can snag some sweet herbal teas and tonics at 25% OFF. Just click the image below to see all the sale items. Thank you for helping me usher in this new chapter!

Spring Cleaning Sale 2023

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